Playful - because the Life of a KaosPilot has to be motivational, creative and constructive
Real world - because KaosPilots works with real problems, real people and real conflicts
Streetwise - because a KaosPilot is never out of touch with what is happening at street level in our society
Risk-taking - because a KaosPilot possesses the will to be brave and take risks
Balanced - because a KaosPilot strives for the right dynamic and balance between body and soul, between form and content, and between human, time and economic resources
Compassionate - because human compassion and social responsibility is the hallmarks of a KaosPilot
...and finally a KaosPilot loves to celebrate - because a KaosPilot lives passionately and works hard for what is important to her. Doing her utmost to live life as a declaration of love towards life and herself, she is not afraid to fail. Therefore she always remembers to celebrate the victorious moments when they are there.
2 ummæli:
Sæjitt, ég skil núna af hverju sumum finnst Kaospilots vera eins og sértrúarsöfnuður. Hahahaha!
Vildi að gæti verið viðstödd messu ársins þann 15. júní.
Sakna þín,
hahahhah we are a költcult!!
sakna þín elsku texas stelpan mín!
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