miðvikudagur, október 25, 2006

...í morgun fór ég til Jógu

í morgun gerðist e-ð...kannski best lýst í laginu;

e. Björk

all the accidents that happen
follow the dot
coinsidense makes sense
only with you
you don't have to speak
i feel
emotional landscapes
they puzzle me

then the riddle gets solved and you push me up to this:

...state of emergency...
...how beatuiful to be!...
...state of emergency...
...is where i want to be...

all that no-one sees
you see
what's inside of me
every nerve that hurts you heal
deep inside of me
you don't have to speak - i feel
emotional landscapes
they puzzle me

then the riddle gets solved and you push me up to this:

...state of emergency...
...how beatuiful to be!...
...state of emergency...
...is where i want to be...

...state of emergency...

...state of emergency...

5 ummæli:

Ragnar sagði...

Veit eigi hvað þú átt við en Jóga er á topp 10 listanum mínum yfir greatest Ragnar's hits ever ;)

Dilja sagði...

ég fór til jógu sem lagið er um, hún er yndi

Nafnlaus sagði...

Nice site!
[url=http://yjeizmmg.com/pacc/vgix.html]My homepage[/url] | [url=http://twhgnihn.com/xehy/cbae.html]Cool site[/url]

Nafnlaus sagði...

Well done!
My homepage | Please visit

Nafnlaus sagði...

Thank you!
http://yjeizmmg.com/pacc/vgix.html | http://xexkmufm.com/ijlw/smtt.html